Thursday, December 8, 2011

Nativity Story

This evening my daughter was retelling the Christmas nativity story.  Near the end of her tale she came to the part of the three wise men, or in her words "three filthy rich men".  It was hard for her to continue over the sounds of our laughter.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I am afraid that some of my children have no grip on reality.  My two youngest boys just had a fight over imaginary slippers.  They spent five minutes tackling each other to the ground and proceeding to rip the invisible items off each other's feet.  Then my five year old yelled at me for not helping him.  How could I?  I was too busy laughing.


Right now my life is just one learning experience after another.  By the end of the week, I should be a genius.
-Jeanette Osias