Monday, May 2, 2011


My four year old son came wandering into the kitchen yesterday holding on to his backside.  I asked him what was wrong.  He said, "My butt hurts.  Will you go to the butt store and buy me a new one?"  I remained completely straight faced as I said, "I'll see what I can do."  Today he approached me again and asked where his new butt was.  I tried to explain that I can't just buy him a new one.  He began to cry and told me that he is allergic to his. Tonight he informed me that bananas are only for boys because bananas are allergic to girls.  I can't blame him for having allergies on the brain.  My autistic son had a bit of an incident this weekend.  Over the last few weeks I was suspicious that he was showing signs of food allergies.  On Friday this became completely unarguable when he broke out in massive hives after eating dinner.  This sudden escalation was enough for me to say, "That's it."  I talked to his school teachers and they agreed that it would be best if he did not return to school the remainder of this year.  I spent the afternoon training on the programs his teachers are using for him in school so I can continue his education at home.  It is probably for the best.  My house has been looking way too clean the last few days.  I must not have enough to do.  My son's teachers may have seemed a little too eager to see Daegan go.  But the feeling must have been mutual for my son, because he kept trying to run from the room and finally resorted to hiding in the 'timeout' corner to avoid contact.  Let's just say no tears were spilt.  So my plan to start homeschooling and an Allergy Elimination Diet has been moved forward, which is fine since I decided to put my youngest on a special diet because we are seeing signs of a sensory disorder in him as well.  Afterall there is nothing like starting a new highly restrictive diet right before a two week trip to really make the experience memorable.  And I would know.  This is not my first time.

1 comment:

  1. Have you looked at I love it, and have applied my 4 older kids to go - I think it's AWESOME, and they will help with accommodations that kids with IEP's and 504's need.
